Kingsland PART 1: Cambodian garment workers speak out to Walmart and H&M

Nearly 200 Cambodian garment workers are locked in a dispute with Kingsland Garment Cambodia Ltd., a supplier of the global clothing brands Walmart and H&M. The factory owner fled, leaving the workers without jobs or full severance. The workers are owed approximately $200,000 in wages and indemnity by Kingsland, a Hong Kong-based company.

Since January 3rd, the workers (mostly women) have been guarding the factory 24/7 so no one can take out the machines, and they’ve been sleeping outside the gate. They can barely afford food, but some of the workers have found night jobs and they use their earnings to buy meals for the entire group to share on the sidewalk.

You can see in the video that the women are clearly struggling. But what’s more incredible is that they’ve found the strength to stand up and fight against what would otherwise be forgotten. They’re out on the sidewalk late into the evening studying the labor law, learning about their rights, and they’re doing everything they can to have their voices heard.

Cheap clothes are not worth their struggle! Please help spread their voices, and share this video after watching!


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